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Feb 26, 2019

On this episode, we speak about food, mood and our behavior with Kamaria Mason, MS, MPH, RDN, LDN & Shamera Robinson, MPH, RDN co-founders of full on faith nutrition. It is amazing how much food and how we use it impacts not only our physical body but our mental and spiritual well-being. Listen in as we discover how to...

Feb 26, 2019

Meditation is my medication. Each week, we'll elevate with our 1-Minute Meditation. This week we are focused on our Conscious & Conscience. 

Breath with me and be open to new discoveries. 

Feb 26, 2019

My homegirl Sunni shares her heart. 

Feb 26, 2019

Dreams They Do Come True:

The segment of #LifeClub where we speak your dreams into existence. I am a firm believer in dreams. TJM is a dream and I have so much more to manifest. And you do too. This is my way of reminding you to keep dreaming...because they really do come true.

Feb 18, 2019

We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Leon Dickerson, who holds his PhD from NYU, about Single Parenthood. Dr. Dickerson, author, psychotherapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, shares tips and tools on how to parent successful, cope with wearing multiple hats, and ways to love ourselves and our children a...