Dec 17, 2018
Rejection is the root of many insecurities, bad habits, and negative thinking. It has the ability to hold one captive and prevent them from moving forward. I have experienced rejection on multiple levels. Being teased as a child, dumped a time or two and ostracized by family. My confrontation with it didn’t happened until very recently. I had to sit myself down and ask the tough questions: why am I fearful of intimacy? Why am I so defensive and easily offended ? Rejection is something we all experience. And more important than rejection, is how we overcome it.
Tune in as we speak about life after rejection, forgiveness and rising above it with Pastor Steven E Carter - Mentor, motivational speaker, lecturer, and author, of the critically acclaimed book and soon to be released Netflix Movie…“Resurrection from Rejection: Healing from 7 Areas of Rejection in Your Life”.